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The WebGorgiasB Authoring Tool

The WebGorgiasB Authoring Tool is an on-line implementation of the Gorgias-B system focusing on aiding people that have little, or no knowledge of logic programming, or of an argumentation framework, to develop argumentation-based decision policies. To achieve this, it provides an implementation of the table formalism proposed by Kakas, Moraitis and Spanoudakis (2019). The main original feature of the proposed system is the ability to define a default preferred option in a given scenario, thus, allowing for other options to be used in further refinements of the scenario.

WebGorgiasB on-line service accessTop of Page

The interested researchers can request access to the WebGorgiasB service offered at :


Please contact to request access.


WebGorgiasB TutorialsTop of Page

Please follow these tutorials to get you started :

- Youtube WebGorgiasB playlist


WebGorgiasB LimitationsTop of Page

There are some limitations yet for developing decision theories using Web-Gorgias-B.

  • Use the same scenario for the Arguments of Options, i.e. the first line of the Argue table must have all the options selected. Of course, you can define one of them as Default.
  • When you expand a scenario enable all options that are going to be used in subsequent scenarios. Of course, you can define one of them as Default.
  • When there is a combination of scenarios automatically proposed by Web-Gorgias-B just select the winning option(s). Do not try to further expand a combined scenario.
  • If you want to use variables there may be some typos in the scenarios, do not worry. However, you will need to edit the options and facts - possibly in the Advanced View - to capitalize the variable names. To execute and test your theory you must use the Gorgias Cloud service. In WebGorgiasB you cannot edit the facts, so you cannot instantiate the variables. Check out the following bullet on how to get your code:
  • In order to find your generated code go to the Execution tab, just press the Explore all options button and then use the slider to go to the Advanced View. Then you will find the Prolog tab further on the right. Copy the code and paste it in a new file in the Gorgias Cloud service.