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Applications of Gorgias

Gorgias is a general framework that is application-domain independent. However, it is useful to explore existing models for specific domains where it has been applied in the past. Feel free to share your experience with us.

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Currently, Gorgias-B is used for the development of Cognitive Systems:

Application DomainsTop of Page

Gorgias has already been applied in real-world applications in the following domains:

Gorgias has also been used for defining agent architectures:

  • Gorgias is part of the PROSOCS platform for the KGP agent architecture where it is used for the agent's Goal Decision and more importantly for the intra-agent control
    - Andrea Bracciali, Ulle Endriss, Neophytos Demetriou, Antonis C. Kakas, Wenjin Lu, Kostas Stathis: Crafting the mind of PROSOCS agents. Applied Artificial Intelligence 20(2-4): 105-131 (2006)
    - Antonis C. Kakas, Paolo Mancarella, Fariba Sadri, Kostas Stathis, Francesca Toni: Declarative Agent Control. CLIMA 2004: 96-110