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Gorgias Cloud Service

The Gorgias Cloud Service offers Argumentation as a Service (AaaS). Through the implemented platform, the user has the ability to create project folders, save, edit and download files locally. Additionally, using the application panel, the user interacts and manages the Prolog engine and the Gorgias tool and asks questions, which, based on the files and rules uploaded by the user and after a reasoning process, lead to answers.

Gorgias Cloud service accessTop of Page

The interested researchers can request access to a cloud service offered at :

Please contact to request access.

Attention: When registering make sure that your username starts with a lower case character and doesn't have symbols.


Gorgias Cloud Tutorial

Please follow this tutorial to get you started :

- Youtube Gorgias Cloud playlist


Gorgias Cloud LimitationsTop of Page

There are some limitations yet for developing decision theories using Gorgias Cloud.

  • Please refrain from using predicates or literals containing the string "consult", as this use will cause the containing line to be removed when saving the Gorgias theory file.


Gorgias Cloud APITop of Page

Before using this API (login required) make sure that you read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page. the API is provided in the swagger format. The students/researchers can use the Swagger editor to generate a client in one of the programming languages supported by swagger (e.g. Java, Python, PHP, etc). Paste in the Swagger editor the api-docs (select to convert to yaml).

For the users' convenience we provide templates demonstrating the use of the service in the following laguages:

- A template demonstrating the use of the service in Python.

- A template demonstrating the use of the service in Java.

- A template demonstrating the use of the service in PHP.

DISCLAIMER: Note that the gorgias software usage rights are now owned by Argument Theory, a start up company to exploit gorgias. This API is provided solely for research and study. Commercial use of this API is not allowed. Please contact Argument Theory.